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Alternative Provision

Occasionally, a young person cannot or will not allow themselves to thrive within the communities’ pastoral approaches that are established in simple and few values and expectations; they are to be Ready,  Respectful and Safe.

Other options and providers are judged less positively impactful or unsuitable and we need to lead and deliver constructive changes that maintain the youngster on our roll and with access to our external pastoral support via alternative providers, our ELSA lead and our counsellor.

It is then that we employ our links in alternative provision (AP) as a last resort support intervention via Inspire Interventions and Mindset Southwest to help support a young person for a up to 3 days a week. This is reviewed half termly.

Whilst on AP a young person may explore their thoughts and feelings about many things including those things both in and beyond school that may be a distraction to them; knowing that they can do this with some privacy away from the school community. Additionally, a young person will access some academic work supplemented by some mentoring support in the form of careers education, some problem solving and further relational work. Other interests and aptitudes are explored and this is incredibly helpful in supporting and acknowledging the young person’s strengths and areas for development.

The links below provide some further information in addition to our policies around the use of AP.

Inspire Interventions – https://www.inspireinterventions.co.uk/

‘Providing a platform for children, young people and families to reach their full potential’.

Mindset Southwest – https://mindsetsouthwest.com/enabling/

MindSet offers support to children, young people, and adults with no upper age limit, helping them to enjoy a life with fewer barriers, providing equal opportunity, and enabling them to have the confidence to flourish, to lead fulfilling and rewarding lives.

AP Policy 23-24

AP Code of Conduct 23-24