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Tel: 01392 430774 Email: admin@barleylane.devon.sch.uk

Vocational Opportunities

Whilst 14-16 opportunities are limited in Devon for schools, we have forged a very strong link with one of Torbay’s special school provisions – Combe Pafford School.

Combe Pafford has provided our pupils with some excellent vocational opportunities (please see the links below) over a number of years including Motor Vehicle Maintenance, Construction, Hospitality and Catering and this year Hairdressing.

Pupils travel to Torquay between Tuesday and Friday and participate in the range of level 1 AIM qualifications in Combe Paffords excellent, purpose built facilities. Such opportunities are available from year 9 (in exceptional circumstances year 8 and accreditation is secured in years 10 and 11.

These outcomes supplement our strong core academic offer that include Maths, English, Science, ICT and PSHE up to and including GCSE

We are constantly reviewing the vocational curriculum and to compliment vocational learning, pupils also have an opportunity to participate in work experience from year 10 with a locally checked provider in conjunction with the education business partnership. Please ask Mr Cocker for details.

The Duke of Edinburgh Award (DofE) is another brilliant programme that says so much more about a young person who has completed it (there are 4 sections – Volunteering, physical, skill and expedition at either Bronze or Silver level) as it promotes work related qualities and skills including;


Independent working,


Self Reliance

Problem solving, Map reading

and much more



Haven Banks is another partner that we use and in the coming months (April-October) children across key stages access a range of Outdoor Education opportunities such as:


Kayaking and canoeing

Walking and map reading






Again, please click on the link below or get in touch with Mr Mcdaid or Mrs Sessions for more information

Combe Pafford School – Construction

Combe Pafford School – Hairdressing

Combe Pafford School – Hospitality & Catering

DofE – The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award

Haven Banks Outdoor Education Centre (exe-coll.ac.uk)