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Home Learning

Here are a list of resources to support our students when learning from home.

Please check out Class Dojo regularly – www.classdojo.com or download the app. Activities are being uploaded every weekday including English, maths, science, wellbeing and plenty of fun stuff too!

Teachers can set individual tasks and parents, carers and students can upload work and send messages to the teacher to keep in touch.

If you haven’t signed up, please email charber@barleylane.devon.sch.ukfor more information.

Additional Online Educational Resources

P = Suitable for primary          S = Suitable for secondary

Don’t worry! We are not expecting you to teach lessons but thought you may find these activities useful in offering a bit of structure. Baking a cake, doing some decorating, washing the dog, drawing, watching a documentary, gardening, playing games together or even having some down time all have value too! 

All Subjects

BBC Bitesize   bbc.co.uk/bitesize

New content being added daily from April. PS.


David Walliams Audio Books   worldofdavidwalliams.com/elevenses

A new book released every day. Takes you through to SoundCloud. PS.

Oxford Owl   home.oxfordowl.co.uk/books/free-ebooks

Free e-books for young ones. P.

Abdo Books   abdobooks.com

American website but a huge selection of e-books. PS.


Hegarty Maths   hegartymaths.com 

BLS is subscribed to this. To sign up, you just need the school name, child’s name and child’s date of birth. Mostly S but some questions suitable for upper P.

The Maths Factor   themathsfactor.com

Created by Carol Vorderman. Free for all at the moment. P and lower S.

Hit the Button   topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button

Quick number bonds, doubles, halves, square numbers and times table practice. PS.

Times Tables   timestables.co.uk

Pick a times table and follow the 5 step plan on the page. PS.

Prodigy   prodigygame.com/pages/parents

Set up a parent account. Maths skills in a fun format. P and lower S.


Science Kids   sciencekids.co.nz/experiments.html

Heaps of experiment ideas to try out. Adult supervision required. PS.


PE with Joe   youtube.com/user/thebodycoach1

No equipment needed. Limited space required. Daily 30 minute routines. Live stream at 9am or catch up later. PS.

Cosmic Kids Yoga youtube.com/user/CosmicKidsYoga  Lower P.

Yoga with Adriene   youtube.com/user/yogawithadriene

You may want a towel and cushion. S.


Truetube   truetube.co.uk

A variety of interesting videos on a range of life topics. Upper S.


Duolingo   duolingo.com 

Suitable for all abilities including beginners. Available on desktop or you can download the app.  PS.


Puzzle Fun for Kids   lovattspuzzles.com/kids/childrens-online-puzzles

Crosswords, wordsearches and sudokus. Upper P and S.

Fun Stuff

Edinburgh Zoo   edinburghzoo.org.uk/webcams

Watch the penguins, koalas, pandas and tigers live on camera. PS.


Twinkl   twinkl.co.uk

Lots of resource packs arranged by age. PS.

Hamilton Trust   hamilton-trust.org.uk/blog/learning-home-packs

Step-by-step lessons for Y1-6. P.

Activity Village   activityvillage.co.uk/school-closures

Plenty of Spring themed worksheets. P and lower S.

Snappy Maths   snappymaths.com

Good variety of worksheets. P and lower S.

BBC Skillswise   bbc.co.uk/teach/skillswise

English and Maths skills. Videos and worksheets. S.